On Saturday, Kenji, the kids and I went to the Queen Mary with Silvia, Shuji, Siori, Fermin, Pilar and Rodrigo. The kids and I had never been there before. The kids had a great time looking around the ship! It was really nice to be able to spend the evening with Kenji's family; especially since we don't get to see them often enough.
Christmas is always a busy day in my family! The kids wake up bright and early and they open gifts from Santa and then almost right after opening gifts, we get ready to start the day! After opening presents from Santa, we headed out to my Granddads house for Christmas with my dads side of the family. It was a lot of fun, and so nice to be able to visit with my Dad, Soursdey, her family and my Granddad. Micah and Julia also had a lot of fun playing with Somali. After my Granddads house we went to my Aunt Debbie's house for Christmas with my moms side of the family. We had a great time! There was tons of family, food and fun! Micah and Julia love running around and playing with their cousins. It's always nice to visit and catch up with everyone!
This was the first year that Julia really understood that Santa was going to be coming on Christmas eve and leaving presents for her to open the next morning. So on Christmas morning both of the kids woke up SO excited!! They both ran out into the living room and immediatly started opening their gifts (well they had wait just a few minutes for Kenji to get out of bed). They were both SO happy with their presents from Santa. After every present that Julia opened, she would say, "THANK YOU SANTA CLAUS" (which sounded more like "HANK YOU HANTA HAUS!")
On Christmas Eve, Kenji, the kids and I celebrated with Kenji's family. Everyone came over on Christmas Eve night and we had a nice dinner all together and got to visit. At the end of the night the kids opened their presents and they were VERY happy! It was a great night!
Today (Dec. 17th), Micah had his school Christmas concert. He mostly just played with the angel halo that they wore on their heads, but every once awhile he would stop and sing along. The concert was SO cute!
*Below the pictures are 3 little videos I took of the kids singing*
On Sunday, December 13th, Kenji and I took Micah and Julia on the "Polar Express" train ride in Fillmore! The kids had never been on a train before and they were so excited! We got there about 45 minutes before the train ride began because they had a carousel and other little rides set up for the children. It had been a very rainy day, but luckily the rain had stopped right after we arrived. At 6:00pm, they started to board the train. We rode for 30 minutes to the "Polar Express" to pick Santa up. Along the way, Santa's elves passed out milk and cookies and sang Christmas carols. Once we got to the "Polar Express", we picked Santa up and he began visiting all of the children on board and passing out candy canes. Micah was SO excited to see Santa and Julia was excited as well, although a little nervous. It was so much fun and Kenji and I were so happy to have been able to take Micah and Julia because they had the best time!!
Julia, Domino (our kitty) and I were resting in my room. I got up to clean a little bit, and when I went back in Julia and Domino were fast asleep together. So cute!
It is the end of the first trimester at Micah's school and they had an award ceremony for all the children who have turned in 100% of their homework! Micah received one of the awards because he has completed every single homework assignment!!
** my camera did not take very clear pictures today - so they are a little blurry**