Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Night 2010

We had a great Christmas day/night. In the morning, after opening gifts from Santa we went to my Granddads house to visit with him, my dad, stepmom and sisters. The kids had a lot of fun there playing with Somali and opening more gifts!

After my Granddads house we went over to my moms house for Christmas. The whole family was there and we had a great time! Lots of food, family and gifts! Micah and Julia had a lot of fun playing with their cousins. They were so tired by night time!






Christmas Morning 2010

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is seeing the look on the kids face as they walk out of their room and see all of the gifts that Santa brought. They were SO excited for Santa this year! When they saw all of the gifts, they couldn't believe it! Micah and Julia had so much fun opening everything and Micah said, "Wow! I must have been good because I am getting everything that was on my list!".

Christmas Eve 2010

We had such a great Christmas this year! On Christmas Eve, Siori and Fermin came over. We had such a nice time! We had a nice turkey dinner, opened gifts and played Mario Brothers on the wii! Micah was SO excited because he had been wanting to play allll day and was so happy when Siori told him that she would play with him. It was a good night!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

On Thursday, Micah woke up so super sick! He had been completely fine all week and then when I got him up for school on Thursday he felt warm and when I took his tempurature it was at 101 degrees (38.33 celsius). Since then he has been just so sick. His fever reached up to 103 degrees (39.5 celsius) and stayed that way for awhile. I took him into the doctor and they found that he has an ear infection and we started him on antibiotics.

So for the past 3 days we have only been inside of the house while Micah gets better. Today was the first day that he seems to be doing a little bit better. His fever has stayed to about 100 degrees (38 celsius). He has been so tired and bored so today we decided that he would be ok to help us decorate the Christmas tree. Both kids had a lot of fun decorating the tree. After we sat in the dark for a long time so they could look at it. We love it!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Julia's Christmas Party

Yesterday was Julia's Christmas party at school. They got to make Christmas trees out of ice cream cones and decorate it with icing and candy. Julia had so much fun! She just loves school so much and had a lot of fun at her party.

Slippery Fish

This is Julia's favorite song that they sing in class. It's called Slippery Fish. She loves to sing!

Micah's Christmas performance

Yesterday was Micah's Christmas performance at school. This was the first year EVER that he participated in singing! I loved watching him sing along with the rest of the 1st graders. He did such a great job!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday 2010 Pictures

Our Christmas cards should be reaching everyone soon, but these are just some more of the 2010 Christmas pictures!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Videos from Julia's dance class

Julia's Tap/Ballet class

Julia has been taking a tap and ballet class once a week for the past 3 months. She has LOVED every minute of it! She's not the most graceful ;-) but she does have a lot of fun! I just love watching her dance around every week. This was from her last class until they begin again at the end of January. She was sad to have to take a break for a month or so.