Monday, November 3, 2008

Julia gets a hard cast

Today (11/3) Julia had to go back to the Orthopedist to get more xrays and to get her hard cast put on. She did a lot better than I expected her to. First they had to take a couple of xrays on her arm to see how it was coming along. She did much better this time with the xrays because the xray technician was really good and super fast. After the xrays the doctor came in to check on her arm - it was still a little bit swollen, but the doctor said she would be fine getting her cast today. So then the nurses came in and put her cast on. Julia did so much better than I thought. For the most part she just sat on my lap nice and still while the nurses put her cast on. She got a little bit scared but still cooperated. Julia is a bit annoyed with the hard cast because she can't move her arm at all anymore, but overall she is doing much better than we thought! She has to keep her cast on for 3 weeks and then on Nov. 24th we go back to the Orthopedist for more xrays. If the xrays show that her arm has healed, she will not be needing a cast anymore, and if the xrays show that her arm is still healing, they will put a cast back on for 2 more weeks.


1 comment:

Christine Fletcher said...

Too, too cute--especially the pink wrap on the cast. I hope the next 3weeks fly by and that all is healed by then. Julia is such a trouper!