Thursday, August 26, 2010

Julia's first day of preschool!

Yesterday (8/25/10) was Julia's first day of preschool! I signed her up for the Monday/Wednesday preschool class at the Simi Valley Adult School. The preschool is a co-op, which means that I attend class on Mondays with her to work in the classroom (doing whatever the teacher needs me to do) and then on Wednesdays I drop her off at 9am and pick her up at 12pm.

The first day was just an hour long so that the kids could get aquainted with the classroom and with the teacher. Julia did great that first day. She loved the classroom and played the entire time. I'll have to see how next week goes because it's the start of the normal schedule. I'm not sure how she will do when I try to drop her off. The teacher said she would call me if Julia was unconsolable, but I am going to keep trying to drop her off on Wednesdays and *hopefully* soon she will get used to it.









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