Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

On Thursday, Micah woke up so super sick! He had been completely fine all week and then when I got him up for school on Thursday he felt warm and when I took his tempurature it was at 101 degrees (38.33 celsius). Since then he has been just so sick. His fever reached up to 103 degrees (39.5 celsius) and stayed that way for awhile. I took him into the doctor and they found that he has an ear infection and we started him on antibiotics.

So for the past 3 days we have only been inside of the house while Micah gets better. Today was the first day that he seems to be doing a little bit better. His fever has stayed to about 100 degrees (38 celsius). He has been so tired and bored so today we decided that he would be ok to help us decorate the Christmas tree. Both kids had a lot of fun decorating the tree. After we sat in the dark for a long time so they could look at it. We love it!

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